Over the years, radar observations by NASA's Cassini
spacecraft show that Titan's north polar region has 3 bodies of liquid large
enough to be identified as 'seas'. These seas hold liquid methane and ethane
instead of water. Titan is so cold that water is rock-solid here. The discovery
of seas on Titan shifts extraterrestrial oceanography from a merely theoretical
science to an observational science. Apart from Earth, Titan is the only other object
known in the Solar System with surface bodies of liquid.
Kraken Mara is the largest of the 3 seas on Titan. The other
2 seas are Ligeia Mare and Punga Mare. Kraken Mare is divided into two
principal basins connected by a channel measuring ~17km wide and ~40km long.
Referred to as the 'throat', the channel has a NE to SW orientation. To its
west is a labyrinth of narrower channels and islands. The 'throat' is somewhat
comparable in size with the Strait of Gibraltar on Earth and geomorphologically
similar to the Åland strait between the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Sea.
Figure 1: A radar image of Kraken Mare, Titan's largest sea.
At ~400,000 km^2, Kraken Mare is believed to be larger than the Caspian Sea on
Earth. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI/USGS.
Connecting the two major basins of Kraken Mare, the
funnelling effect by the 'throat' may produce the strongest tidal currents
anywhere in Titan's seas. These tidal currents can generate a dynamically
irregular sea surface that may be observable by Cassini from radar and sunglint
measurements. At comparable sites on Earth, sea surface features associated
with tidal currents flowing through narrow channels, such as through the Strait
of Gibraltar, have been repeatedly detected by spaceborne radar and sunglint
A possible telltale sign of tidal currents at the 'throat'
of Kraken Mare would be the presence of sea surface roughness (i.e. surface
waves) even in the absence of surface winds. Present data from Cassini is not sensitive
enough to detect such sea surface roughness. Nevertheless, future observations
by Cassini may focus more on this region. The labyrinth of small islands and
narrower channels to the west of the 'throat' should also allow the flow of
tidal currents, albeit much weaker due to a lower hydraulic conductance as the
channels are shallower and narrower.
Figure 2: Radar image of the Strait of Gibraltar acquired on
27 August 1995 by the ERS-1 satellite. To the east are a set of waves thought
to be the surface expression of tidal currents flowing through the strait. Image
credit: European Space Agency.
R.D. Lorenz et al., "A radar map of Titan Seas: Tidal
dissipation and ocean mixing through the throat of Kraken", Icarus 237
(2014) 9-15