Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
- Robert Frost, Fire and Ice (1923)
Rodinia is the name of a supercontinent that existed during
the early Neoproterozoic era. It formed around 1100 Mya and involved the
assembly of virtually all continental masses known to exist on Earth at that
time. Rodinia was entirely barren since it existed at a time before life
colonized dry land. Nevertheless, the continental margins of Rodinia may have
played an important role in the development of life from ocean to land. Continental
crust is considerably thicker than oceanic crust and the existence of a
supercontinent insulated the underlying mantle. This fostered the development
of a mantle superplume beneath Rodinia and eventually led to widespread
continental rifting that resulted in the breaking up of Rodinia between 800 to 600
Mya (Meert and Torsvik, 2003).
Figure 1: Palaeogeographic reconstruction of the Rodinia
supercontinent. The model posits two rifting events, one along the present-day
western margin of Laurentia between 800 to 700 Mya, and a second along the present-day
eastern margin of Laurentia between 600 to 550 Mya. (Meert and Torsvik, 2003)
Figure 2: Palaeogeographic reconstruction of the break-up
and dispersal of the Rodinia supercontinent at 720 Mya. (Z.X. Li et al. 2008)
As Rodinia was starting to break-up, most of its continental
masses happened to be grouped along the Equator. Such a continental
configuration led to the development of a very unique climatic situation on
Earth, characterised by intense evaporation and tropical rainfall on these
continental areas. The intense rainfall washed out carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere and produced carbonic acid which weathered exposed rocks on the
continents. As a result, carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, was transferred from
the atmosphere into the Earth’s crust and the Earth started to cool (Donnadieu
et al., 2004). In addition, a tropical distribution of continents helped cool
the Earth further because tropical continents are more reflective than open
oceans and so absorb less of the Sun’s energy. In comparison, most of the Sun’s
energy that is absorbed by present-day Earth occurs over tropical oceans.
As the Earth cooled, ice started to advance beyond the polar
regions. When ice advanced to within 30° of the Equator a positive feedback
mechanism known as the ice-albedo feedback ensured that the increased
reflectivenss due to the formation of ice led to further cooling and the
formation of yet more ice. This went on until the whole Earth became ice covered,
probably right up to the Equator, creating what is commonly known as a “Snowball
Earth”. During the Neoproterozoic era, the Earth may have experienced at least two
snowball events at ~740 and ~635 Mya (Trindade and Macouin, 2007).
Figure 3: Artist’s impression of a Snowball Earth. Credit:
Walter Myers
During a snowball event, global temperatures fell so low
that the Equator may have been as cold as present-day Antarctica. The low
temperatures were maintained by the high reflectivity of ice which reflected
most of the incoming solar energy back into space. Since the Earth was almost
completely ice covered, carbon dioxide could no longer be drawn out of the
atmosphere by weathering of rocks. Over several million years, volcanos constantly
emitted carbon dioxide which accumulated in the atmosphere. Evidence suggests
that when the build-up of carbon dioxide exceeded ~10 percent of the
atmosphere, the greenhouse effect became strong enough to thaw the Earth from a
snowball state (Bao et al., 2008).
Figure 4: This chart illustrates a hypothetical depiction of
a snowball event in terms of global mean surface temperature and ice cover
(pale blue) on a palaeogeographic representation of the Earth at ~750 Mya. Note
the abrupt onset and termination of glaciation at low-latitudes and the hot
aftermath due to high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The gradual temperature
rise during the Snowball Earth event was due to the increasing greenhouse
effect caused by the build up of atmospheric carbon dioxide from volcanic
There are pieces of good evidence to support the Snowball
Earth hypothesis and that ice cover did extend into the tropics. Glacier
deposits from the Neoproterozoic era with estimated palaeolatitudes based on
palaeomagnetic data show a global distribution with a large fraction of
deposits within 10° of the Equator. When an ice sheet moves over the ocean,
rocks carried within the ice can become dislodged and fall onto the sediments
on the ocean floor. These rocks become incorporated into the oceanic sediments
and are known as dropstones. The presence of dropstones near the Equator
indicates sea-level glaciation in the tropics during the Snowball Earth event.
Figure 5: A dropstone of quartzite embedded within
sedimentary layers.
After the Snowball Earth event, the Earth’s surface is
expected to become very warm due to the huge amount of carbon dioxide still
present in the atmosphere. Elevated sea surface temperatures drove torrential
rains that dissolve carbon dioxide and washed it out of the atmosphere as a
weak carbonic acid. This weathered rocks on the continents and resulted in the release
of large amounts of calcium that precipitated to form layers of carbonate
sedimentary rocks. In fact, in the geological record, layers of carbonate rocks
are indeed found to lie directly on top of glacier deposits. These layers of
carbonate rocks are known as cap carbonates. The transition from glacier deposits
to cap carbonates is abrupt and points towards a catastrophic collapse of the
snowball state where the climate flipped rapidly from very cold to very hot.
Figure 6: Glacial deposits and cap carbonates in the Tillite
Group of the East Greenland Caledonides.
Photosynthetic life is already known to exist billions of
years before the Snowball Earth events of the Neoproterozoic era. There are a
number of ways in which photosynthetic life in the ocean can continue to
survive on a completely ice covered planet. One way involves the difference in
how ice moves over land and ocean. Ice on land tends to be more locked while
ice on the ocean tends to move more freely. Near continental margins, the difference
in ice movement creates tension and can cause cracks to develop in the ice, opening
up exposed bodies of ocean surface where photosynthetic life can thrive.
After the Snowball Earth event, the huge amount of erosional
products being washed off the continents into the ocean by torrential rains
fuelled a proliferation of photosynthetic life in the oceans and a
corresponding leap in the amount of atmospheric oxygen. The increase in
atmospheric oxygen concentration may have led to the rapid emergence of a huge
variety of large, multi-cellular life, in what is now known as the Cambrian
explosion around 550 Mya.
Figure 7: Artist’s impression of an Earth-like exoplanet.
Credit: Scott Richard
The study of Earth-like exoplanets may help shed light on
Earth’s geological past. For example, by studying a sample of Earth-like
exoplanets in snowball states, it can show whether the grouping of continental
masses along the Earth’s Equator during the Neoproterozoic era played a key
role in kicking the Earth into a snowball state. However, mapping the continental
distribution of an ice covered exoplanet is challenging and determining if one
is indeed an Earth-like planet in a snowball state is going to be tricky. If
the build up of atmospheric carbon dioxide created a sufficiently strong
greenhouse effect to warm the Earth out of a snowball state, then Earth-like
exoplanets in snowball states can be expected to show elevated levels of
atmospheric carbon dioxide.
- Meert and Torsvik, “The making and unmaking of a
supercontinent: Rodinia revisited”, Tectonophysics 375 (2003) 261-288
- Z.X. Li et al., “Assembly, configuration, and break-up
history of Rodinia: A synthesis”, Precambrian Research 160 (2008) 179-210
- Donnadieu et al., “A ‘snowball Earth’ climate triggered by
continental break-up through changes in runoff”, Nature 428, 303-306 (18 March
- Trindade and Macouin, “Palaeolatitude of glacial deposits
and palaeogeography of Neoproterozoic ice ages”, Comptes Rendus Geoscience 339
(2007) 200-211
- Bao et al. (2008), “Triple oxygen isotope evidence for
elevated CO2 levels after a Neoproterozoic glaciation”, Nature, 453 (7194),