Hot-Jupiters are a class of exoplanets that share similar
characteristics to Jupiter (i.e. they are all gas giant planets), but have
extraordinarily high surface temperatures because they orbit very close to
their parents stars. On a hot-Jupiter, the intense heating on the planet’s
dayside drives powerful winds that tear continually around the planet,
transporting heat from the dayside and dumping it on the nightside. These hellacious
winds whip around the planet from west to east, generating what is known as
superrotation. The winds extend from the planet’s equator to latitudes of
typically 20° to 60°. Because a hot-Jupiter orbits so close to its parent star,
the planet is most likely tidally-locked and presents the same hemisphere
towards its parent star all the time. Superrotation on a tidally-locked
hot-Jupiter tends to produce an eastward displacement of the planet’s hottest region
from the substellar point by up to 10° to 60° of longitude.
Figure 1: Artist’s impression of a gas giant planet.
S. Faigler & T. Mazeh (2014) analysed the Kepler
light-curves of four transiting hot-Jupiters - KOI-13b, HAT-P-7b, TrES-2b and
Kepler-76b. The light-curves of these four planets show beaming, ellipsoidal
and reflection/emission (BEER) phase modulations. As a hot-Jupiter circles its
parent star, it gravitationally tugs at the star, causing the star to “wobble”.
From an observer’s point of view, the star would appear to approach and recede
in a periodic fashion as the hot-Jupiter orbits around it. In the BEER phase
modulations, the beaming effect, also know as Doppler boasting, is caused by an
increase (decrease) in the brightness of the parent star as it approaches
(recedes from) the observer. The ellipsoidal effect is caused by the tidal
distortion of the star by the hot-Jupiter. Both the beaming and ellipsoidal phase
modulations are proportional to the hot-Jupiter’s mass. Finally, the reflection/emission
phase modulations are the result of a combination of light reflected from the planet’s
dayside (reflection) and thermal radiation that is re-emitted by the planet (emission).
The back and forth motion of a star induced by the gravitational
tugging of an orbiting hot-Jupiter also causes the star’s spectrum to be
blue-shifted (red-shifted) when the star is observed to approach (recede from)
the observer. This results in a radial velocity signature that is proportional
to the planet’s mass and it serves as an independent measure of the planet’s
mass in addition to the BEER phase modulations. Radial velocity measurements
available for the hot-Jupiters - HAT-P-7b, TrES-2b and Kepler-76b show that the
planetary-mass derived from the beaming amplitude is noticeably larger than
from the radial velocity measurements. Also, for all four hot-Jupiters -
KOI-13b, HAT-P-7b, TrES-2b and Kepler-76b, the planetary-mass derived from the
beaming amplitude is larger than from the ellipsoidal amplitude.
S. Faigler & T. Mazeh (2014) suggests that the apparent
planetary-mass discrepancy is found to be caused by superrotation, whereby the
eastward displacement of the planet’s hottest spot from the substellar point induces
an angle shift in the planet’s reflection/emission phase modulation which
“leaks” into the beaming modulation and artificially boosts its observed
amplitude. As a consequence, the planetary-mass estimated from the beaming
amplitude is somewhat larger than the real one. When the effect of
superrotation is included in a modified “BEER model”, the apparent
planetary-mass discrepancies disappear. This study shows that hot-Jupiter
superrotation may be a rather common phenomenon that can be identified in the
Kepler light-curves of hot-Jupiters that exhibit considerable BEER phase
modulations. For each of the four hot-Jupiters in this study, the hottest spot
is estimated to be displaced eastwards from the substellar point by 0.8° ± 0.9°
for KOI-13b, 5.4° ± 1.5° for HAT-P-7b, 38° ± 18° for TrES-2b and 9.2° ± 1.3° Kepler-76b.
Figure 2: The four panels correspond to the four
hot-Jupiters - KOI-13b, HAT-P-7b, TrES-2b and Kepler-76b. For each panel, the
solid line represents the best-fit superrotating BEER model of the
corresponding hot-Jupiter’s light-curve. The residuals are shown below each
panel. On each panel, the dashed, dash-dot and dotted lines represent the
shifted reflection/emission, beaming and ellipsoidal models, respectively. The
vertical red dashed line marks the phase of maximum reflection/emission. Notice
that the phase of maximum reflection/emission of each planet comes before phase
0.5. This is consistent a superrotation-induced eastward displacement of the
planet’s hottest spot from the planet’s substellar point. S. Faigler & T.
Mazeh (2014).
S. Faigler & T. Mazeh (2014), “BEER analysis of Kepler
and CoRoT light curves: II. Evidence for emission phase shift due to
superrotation in four Kepler hot Jupiters”, arXiv:1407.2361 [astro-ph.EP]