“Do there exist many
worlds, or is there but a single world? This is one of the most noble and exalted
questions in the study of Nature.”
- St. Albertus Magnus
(13th century)
In the article “A Tale of Two Worlds” by novelist Karl
Schroeder, the author states that in the detection and characterization of
planets around other stars, habitability and colonizability are not the same
thing. NASA’s Kepler space telescope has shown that Earth-size planets that are
neither too hot nor too cold to support life are surprisingly common. These
potentially habitable planets may at first seem to be where humans and their
machines could one day settle. However, Schroeder mentions that the current
definition of whether a planet is habitable has nearly nothing to do with its
Take the exoplanets Kepler-62e and Kepler-78b as examples. Kepler-62e
is a super-Earth in orbit around a star that is somewhat cooler than the Sun. It
has 1.61 times the Earth’s diameter and is located at a comfortable distance
from its parent star such that temperatures are just right to support life. Kepler-62e
possesses the right properties for it to be a potentially Earth-like habitable
planet. In contrast, Kepler-78b, formerly known as KIC 8435766 b, is an
Earth-size planet in an extremely close-in 8.5-hour orbit around a Sun-like
star. This planet is expected to be tidally-locked with one side permanently
facing it parent star and experiencing hellish temperatures of 2300 K to 3100
K. Being so close to its parent star, any breathable atmosphere or liquid water
is unlikely to be present on Kepler-78b. Nevertheless, the permanent night side
of Kepler-78b is believed to be much cooler and temperatures there may even dip
below freezing in the absence of any appreciable atmosphere to transport heat
over from the scorching dayside.
Figure 1: Four potentially habitable exoplanets shown to
scale alongside the Earth. Left to right: Kepler-22b, Kepler-69c, Kepler-62e,
Kepler-62f, and Earth (except for Earth, these are all artists’ renditions).
Credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech.
Figure 2: Artist’s depiction of Kepler-62e, a super-Earth in
the habitable zone of a star that is smaller and cooler than the Sun. Credit:
NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech.
Figure 3: Artist’s depiction of Kepler-20e - a planet with a
smaller radius than Earth in a close-in orbit around a Sun-like star.
Kepler-20e is believed to be tidally-locked with the same hemisphere always
facing its parent star. The planet’s dayside temperature is estimated to be
over 1000 K while its night side is much cooler. Kepler-78b is quite similar to
Kepler-20e, just that it has a much hotter dayside. Credit:
Kepler-62e is a potentially habitable planet while
Kepler-78b is most certainly not. However, this may not imply that Kepler-62e
is more colonisable than Kepler-78b. In fact, Kepler-78b may be more promising
when it comes to colonizability. Assuming that Kepler-62e has the same density
as Earth, its surface gravity will be 1.6 times of Earth’s. The stronger
gravity will place an unavoidable permanent strain on humans and their
machines. Even if the stronger gravity may be bearable, getting stuff off the
surface of Kepler-62e into space will require exponentially more energy
compared to Earth.
A study by L. Kaltenegger et al. (2013) suggests that
planets in the size range of Kepler-62e are likely to be completely covered by
ocean with no land in sight. The absence of land may yet again lower its
potential for colonization even though the planet’s ocean may be a perfect environment
for its local life. Actually, if life exists on a planet, it may immediately deem
the planet unsuitable for colonization, regardless of the planet’s physical
properties. This is because life on another world is likely to operate on a
different biochemistry that is incompatible and possibly hostile to Earthly
life. Furthermore, colonization also raises the problem of contaminating a
pristine alien biosphere. Based on these considerations, an Earth-like
habitable planet that is teeming with life (i.e. an Earth analogue) is almost
certainly unsuitable for colonization.
Figure 4: Artist’s impression of an Earth-like planet.
Figure 5: Artist’s impression of a potentially habitable
Compared to Kepler-62e, the planet Kepler-78b may appear inhospitable
due to its superheated dayside. However, Kepler-78b is tidally-locked and the
other half of the planet never faces its parent star. One can imagine
conditions there being somewhat like within the cold permanently shaded craters
at Mercury’s poles, but encompassing half a planet. An airtight habitat
containing a breathable atmosphere could easily find its place on the cool
night side of Kepler-78b. On a side note, the sight of its parent star from the
stupendously hot dayside of Kepler-78b would certainly be terrifyingly
spectacular. The huge temperature difference between the dayside and night side
of Kepler-78b provides an enormous potential to move heat around, thereby
generating power. Additionally, Kepler-78b is approximately the same size as Earth
and this makes getting stuff off the planet’s surface into space no more
difficult than it is for Earth, unless Kepler-78b is unusually dense.
Although Kepler-62e is undoubtedly well suited to support
life as a habitable planet, the seemingly inhospitable Kepler-78b looks more
promising with regard to its colonizability. In short, besides habitability,
colonizability should also be used to judge the value of planets around other
stars. Nevertheless, Kepler-62e and Kepler-78b are mere examples to distinguish
between habitability and colonizability. Both planets are in no way prime
interstellar destinations since they are located several hundred light years
away. From here to there, there are innumerable stars with planets just like
Kepler-62e and Kepler-78b.
With regard to habitability, the ‘habitable zone’ is
generally defined as a region around a star where temperatures are neither too
hot nor to cold for a planet to have liquid water on its surface and thus capable
of supporting life. On the contrary, a ‘colonizable zone’ does not have the
same limitations as a ‘habitable zone’ since it depends on a planet by planet
basis and may not be required to be around a star at all. A study by Strigari
et al. (2012) show that for ever star in the galaxy, there may be as many as
~10,000 unbound objects with masses ranging from Pluto to somewhat larger than
Jupiter. These objects are sometimes termed free-floating planets or rogue
planets. Such worlds may serve as colonizable “pit stops” in the vast distances
between stars.
Figure 6: Artist’s impression of a Pluto-like object and its
large moon, orbiting far from its parent star.
In the solar system, objects including Mercury, Earth’s Moon
and Pluto may turn out to be excellent places for colonization in a novel
method proposed by K. L. Roy et al. (2009). The authors propose creating
habitable environments for humans by enclosing airless and otherwise sterile
planets, moons, large asteroids, and even free-floating planets within
engineered shells. Within such a shell, an environment could be created that is
similar in almost all respects to that of Earth except for gravity. These
“shell worlds” could be constructed just about anywhere with a suitable planet,
moon or large asteroid. It allows humans and their machines to colonize any
star system without interfering with or contaminating a planet that has already
developed life (i.e. a habitable planet).
- W. J. Borucki et
al. (2013), “Kepler-62: A Five-Planet System with Planets of 1.4 and 1.6 Earth
Radii in the Habitable Zone”, arXiv:1304.7387 [astro-ph.EP]
- Sanchis-Ojeda et al. (2013), “Transits and Occultations of
an Earth-Sized Planet in an 8.5-Hour Orbit”, arXiv:1305.4180 [astro-ph.EP]
- L. Kaltenegger et al. (2013), “Water-Planets in the Habitable
Zone: Atmospheric Chemistry, Observable Features, and the case of Kepler-62e
and -62f”, arXiv:1304.5058 [astro-ph.EP]
- Strigari et al. (2012), “Nomads of the Galaxy”, arXiv:1201.2687
- K. L. Roy et al. (2009), “Shell Worlds: An Approach to
Terraforming Moons, Small Planets, and Plutoids”, JBIS Vol. 62, pp. 32-38